Friday, October 30, 2009

Mom of the Year and Poor Hearing

Yesterday while doing some last minute Halloween costume shopping, I ran to Joann's Fabrics for some embellishments and ribbon. Right before I pulled into the parking lot, Little E decided to fall fast asleep and I could NOT wake him up! I had to haul him around in my arms the entire time we were there and it was getting so difficult to hold him, dig through the discount fabric bolts and tote around 3 spools of ribbon. My arms were tired and I just couldn't balance all three so this is what it resulted to:


Not to worry, I was never more than 3-5 feet from him at all times! He got a good rest and I got the fabric I needed!

This was not the only humorous thing about this trip to the fabric store, however:

While waiting in line to get my fabric cut, there was a man and his 2 kids in front of me. The children were dressed up in costume and the woman behind the counter commented on how cute the children looked. The father was standing on his toes and looking about the store with wondering, concerned eyes and said, "I have another one running around here somewhere. He's dressed up like a Ninja!" The woman obviously misheard the man and laughed out lout and said, "A MIDGET!? That is so funny! What did you do about his arms?" (WHAAAAT!?) Then....the man who was not paying full attention to her, due to the fact that he was still searching for the child that was still roaming aimlessly around the store replied, "He just throws karate chops and punches with them!" This sent the lady into hysterics and also put wildly entertaining images in my head! Sadly the missing child made his way up to the counter in his stealth black hooded costume, naturally resolving all misunderstandings and putting an end to all my fun.


lyndsey said...

hahahaha. this made me LOL. a midget?!?! naturally, the next question would be "what did you do about his arms?" ohhh man. i gotta start shopping at your joanns.

Jem said...

Your posts always make my day a little brighter. Thanks.

Joan said...

SO funny. Wish I could EVER take a nap. I just can't get my mind to shut down.

Ashley said...

I love this post. It made me laugh until I cried. Something I needed today. Thanks

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

HILAROUS!!! I love it! That is just too funny!

Luke used to sleep everywhere I went with him. He has slept strange places too.

Colett (*.*) said...

love it!

heidi said...

I am DYING. What did you do about his arms?????!!!! Whaaaaaaaaa?????

That is funny.

Your boy looks so big I can't believe it!

sachia said...

That is the funniest thing, let's hear it for the desperate to shop mama's. That is true dedication fabric! I agree you have to do what you have to do. :)

La La Land said...

Okay. That story is so funny that I had to read it to my husband, who also thought it was so funny. And I love that little E slept on the bolts of fabric.

Kristin said...

What a cozy little sleeping nook! Love it!

Amanda said...

This post made me laugh out loud!

I haven't ever laid a child down in a fabric store, but I have certainly carried a sleeping one on my shoulder while looking for notions, etc.

The whole conversation between the dad and store employee was hilarious. We actually have a 'small person' in our neighborhood and he passed out the candy at his house on Halloween. Needless to say Ian my 7 year old was very impressed.