Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Never and Always

My sister did a fun blog post and of course tagged all who read it. I'm usually not a big fan of the tagging posts but I though this one was cool. You can check out my sister's answers here and read below for mine!

I will never and I will always....

1. I will never...stop complimenting strangers
2. I will never...have a desire for a big home or fancy car or covet those who do
3. I will never...be satisfied with my wardrobe
4. I will never...be able to travel back in time and correct my mistakes
5. I will never...forget the butterflies I felt when I first met Wes

1. I will always...have a great desire for learning and trying new things
2. I will always...be nostalgic
3. I will always...encourage confidence in my children so they can stand up and stand out
4. I will always...believe that mean or rude people shouldn't get away with being that way
5. I will always...love daydreaming

P.S. You are only tagged if you want to be!

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