Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Let's Talk Turkey

There have been several occasions when I have been talking to Wes and the conversation turns to "Did you see on our blog that..." or "Did you like the picture on our blog where..." or better yet, "This will be a fun post on our blog"! Only, every time Wes will correct me in mid-sentence and say, "YOUR blog, not OUR blog!" He seems to think that THE blog mainly revolves around just my life and happenings and every once in awhile, I decide to include him and he gets to make a cameo appearance on it. Where would he get a silly idea like that? 
I guess OUR blog really is due for a post on what Wes has been doing. 

Last week he had the opportunity to visit his cousin in Cedar City and go wild turkey hunting. With a handgun.

They were successful.

Have a little Wes with your turkey!

I really am proud of him and his neck that bears shades of crimson! I find it quite endearing! He just loves being in the outdoors and I know it brings him so much happiness! He is such a busy, hardworking man so he rarely is able to get out and enjoy himself. I'm glad he got the chance to get away for a little while and I know he wishes he could do more hobbies and activities that he enjoys. Just know that I draw the line at having dead animals hang on my wall! I will keep my neck pasty white, thank you very much!


sachia said...

OK this is awesome and he looks super cool hunting, I love the pictures...they are beautiful Amy.

Dead animals on the wall...ewww but your man got them with his bare hands so that's super cool.

sachia said...

Also, love the new font, background, and size of the header.

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Keith's neck is red too and he is going to love talking to Wes about this. I'm glad you got to go Wes! Also, I'm glad you are shooting animals rather than friends this time around. Haha.

{natalie} said...

those turkeys are huge! holy cow. i am glad you will not be mounting them to the wall!

oh and the waffle place will have a cart at the market in the park. the guy was telling us about it last time i was there.

Jem said...

I've had the exact conversations with Robb. Everyone in Cedar has a little crimson in their neck area. Cool pictures. I love YOUR blog. (I typed glob, ha ha. That made me laugh)

Anonymous said...

Good job Wes! I didnt know he was a turkey hunter! Thats one big bird!
We really need to get the boys together soon. We just buzzed Braxtons hair off. No more shaggy. It was time! We miss you guys though. Call us soon!

Alex said...

nice turkey wes

Joan said...

You always dance or clap when are you happy. That makes me happy.